Saturday’s Foster Carers Blog
We have just come to the end of an exhausting week. For the first time, Annie has been involved in the school production. She has been going to rehearsals for a number weeks, mainly after school but also during the weekend and the school holidays. She has had many early starts and late finishes and this week she has been completely off timetable for the final rehearsals. So this week really has been the culmination of a lot of hard work by many students and staff at the school. The production has been quite ambitious with over a hundred students in the cast. Although Annie did not have a lead part, we were still very proud of her. I know she has very much enjoyed the experience.
Lauren was so excited when she found out that the year six children from her primary school had been invited to go and see one of the matinee performances of the show. This meant she would get time off school, and she would be one of the first to see the show. She was also excited because we had already booked tickets for Charlie to take her to the Friday evening performance, meaning she would get to see it twice. Due to Charlie’s work commitments and babysitting restraints I went on my own to an earlier show.
We decided on this occasion not to take Alice to see the show. We know she was disappointed by our decision, but we know how these things go. Firstly, she has no inner monologue and generally talks out loud in the cinema and theatre. Secondly, she would find the experience too loud, in fact there would be a complete sensory over load, and finally the story itself was not really appropriate for her age. With all that in mind our decision was final. I have to say Annie had a complete look of relief when we told her. I know she would have worried about Alice’s behaviour, and she would have been mortified if the show had been interrupted by Alice!
After weeks of rehearsals, 6 shows, four late nights – getting home after 11pm, Annie is well and truly shattered. She has been very emotional, we have had lots of tears from her. It is amazing what Alice has picked up on in the home. Charlie and I have tried to give her as much space and grace and second chances this week as we know its difficult when you are so tired. Alice on the other hand has made the most of being able to wind her up and watch her snap back. Annie is usually so calm and doesn’t get reeled in, but tiredness has been her nemesis.
We know that we are in for a long few weeks as she recovers from the show. Next week she has the arduous task of catching up on all the lessons and homework she missed while being off timetable this week, as well as keeping up with any new work set. I think Charlie and I are going to need a lot more patience and we get through this!!!
A Less Ordinary Family Fostering Blog