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Fostering Blogs

Not Much Use Foster Blog

Fosterman Foster Carer and James Blog

Not Much Use Foster Blog

Fostering Bloggers Diary

I have a pathological dislike of technology. I dropped my mobile phone and cracked the screen. James (name changed) laughed as I was always telling him to be careful with his own phone. So I took it to place in our local shopping centre and they wanted £125 to replace the screen.

So I had the work done and the phone seemed ok. I charged it and it wouldn’t work. So the next day I went back and told the guy that it wasn’t working and he said that Id asked for him to fix the screen and he had, he claimed he wasn’t responsible for anything other problems with the phone. I told him that I hadn’t had any issues with the phone until he replaced the screen.

The guy got quite bolshie and I didn’t want to get into some major confrontation so I left and came home to call (on the house phone) trading standards. Unfortunately they weren’t much use at all so I called my service provider and used the insurance that I had taken out. New phone sorted!

James was a lot more chilled now the exams were finished. We sat and discussed plans for the summer including us going away, James going away with Paige’s family and also seeing his Mum. So we thought we’d better get organised. James called Paige and got the dates for them going away and we sat and looked at a holiday for us.

Foster Carers Blog

In the end we went for a week in Portugal and I booked it there and then. I emailed all of those details through to his Social Worker and my Supervising Social Worker. We then looked at dates for possible contact and for some days out as well. So it was nice to have plans in place and we knew what we were doing.

James also had a mini tour with his football team to Belgium and Holland to factor in as well as some training sessions during the summer. Once we had it all planned out the calendar looked very full and we were feeling very proud of ourselves for being so well organised.

Had a training course yesterday, online of course. Was nice to catch up with, and talk to people, I hadn’t seen for ages. Our training courses are fantastic, well planned out and interesting. What made me laugh was that people were still late attending even though they were at home.

It’s always been a bugbear for me that people are late for courses. Regardless of where you are there will always be a couple who turn up late with no apology or reason. But I have to say, turning up late at an online course is really stretching things a bit far.

It’s always the same people who talk and ask questions at the courses as well. Now I am a bit gobby on occasions but if I need to ask something I will do. I dislike those embarrassing silences when the course leader asks a question and everybody sits in silence.

If you are on a course and unsure about something then just ask, nobody thinks worse of you because of it.

Fosterman’s Fostering Blog

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